Amy Fleckney Unconscious Mind Therapist

CONGRATULATIONS… you have taken the first step towards making positive change In your life using the limitless power of unconscious mind therapy.

Now that you know you are capable of making lasting changes to your life, I would absolutely love to help you to Live the life you love

Here is some information on Unconscious mind therapy & how it will help you.


What is UMT?

Unconscious mind therapy (UMT) is a productive talk therapy that aims to resolve the problem that’s holding you back in your life, rather than focussing directly on the problem.

Unlike most therapies that often take months, if not years to see improvement, UMT results are instantaneous, You will feel the positive effects from the very first session!


UMT focuses on the recovery rather than the content of the issue that is blocking your journey In your life, preventing you from moving forward and reaching your full potential.

 UMT can help you change past thoughts, feelings, limiting beliefs, patterns and give you an incredible mindset resulting in you creating the vision to be happy, focussed & in control of any challenges you face.


Does it work?

A story I never get tired of telling is how unconscious mind therapy changed my life… Im living proof that not only the science behind UMT is true, but also the therapy works!

What can UMT help with?

The success Unconscious mind therapy can bring to you whether it be in business or personal life  is endless it can help with:






Relationship issues


Blocked paths

Moving forward


Weight loss

Quit smoking

And so so much more….

Will you use hypnotherapy in my session?

I will use hypnosis to suit your needs it will help you to focus your mind, respond to suggestions and become so deeply relaxed in to a trance like state to help you use your subconscious mind to change behaviour pattens and ways of thinking.

Will I be asleep?

No…You will feel completely calm, relaxed and fully focused on my voice and the commands I make. We will have already discussed why you’re seeking the therapy and what your goals are.

How many sessions will I need?

You will need just one 3 hour session of UMT to overcome your problem you can either complete this in one season or split the sessions into 1-hour sessions over a period of a few weeks.

 A free follow up is included if & when you need it

Where will my UMT be carried out?

Option 1:

@ My Wellness Centre, In Hertfordshire UK

Option 2:

I will support you every step of the way & if you have any further questions feel free to ask.
To book please respond via the enquiry form and I will send you over my availability and booking details. Please include if you would like to book in one 3hr session or 3 x 1hr sessions and your preferred location of your UMT.

    Book a Unconscious Mind Therapist Appointment

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